Members of Ave Maria - Divine Will gather in home Prayer Cenacles to make reparation and to study and reflect on the writings of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta. These writings pertain to the fulfillment of the Our Father, “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.” With the help of God, members learn to put into practice all that Our Lord taught Luisa to not merely “do” His Will but to “live” in His Most Holy Divine Will.
Parish Coordinators:
Karen Kabiling - English - karenkabiling3(at)
Felipe Gomez - English and Spanish - fiatdv(at)
Cenacle Coordinators:
Nora Abondano - Thursday PM - nora.abondano(at) Ann-Marie Altomare - Wednesday AM -adaltomare(at) Ruth Davidson - Monday AM -gregruth124(at) Felipe Gomez - Wednesday PM -fiatdv(at) Karen Kabiling - Tuesday AM -karenkabiling(at)
Weekly Cenacle Format:
Invocation to the Holy Spirit Invocation to the Divine Will In All Our Actions Decade of the Holy Rosary Prayerful Reading of the “Hours of the Passion” Book Study of Chapters in Volumes Closing Prayers