The Martha J. Burke Perpetual Adoration Chapel is in the east wing of AMU's Canizaro Library, across the street from the Church. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place while Ave Maria University classes are in session.
As of Monday, May 8, we have the Chapel open for the Ave Maria Parish Community from 5:00am until 12:00am. To sign up for adoration, visit: signup
If you are not registered yet, you will be required to enter your name, a password, and your email or phone number. The rest of the information is optional. When done, click the green "Create Account" button at the bottom. Click one of the "2 needed" or "1 needed" blue buttons to make your commitments for that day and time.
To learn more about how to sign up watch this short video: help
To find out more about Eucharistic Adoration, visit the website "The Real Presence" by visiting: Also, visit our Eucharistic Adoration website page at