The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Movement is a movement that started in Budapest, Hungary where the message that was given to Elizabeth Kindelmann of Budapest, Hungary from 1961 to 1982 from Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother. These heavenly communications, which are recognized by the Holy Catholic Church through the imprimatur to her Diary, perfectly support and specifically amplify the urgency of the messages of Fatima of prayer, fasting and offering sacrifices in reparation and to save many souls. Just like at Fatima, Our Blessed Mother gave Elizabeth Kindelmann a prayer to add to the Rosary and Jesus Himself concurs that He wants this prayer added to the Hail Mary. The prayer is:
"Spread the effect of grace of thy Flame of Love over all of humanity", which Our Lord and Our Lady asked to have inserted in the Hail Mary after "pray for us sinners,".
The Blessed Mother also revealed to Elizabeth Kindelmann that she has gained from her Son "an outpouring of graces so great that they have not existed since the Word became Flesh". This is her Flame of Love bursting forth from her Immaculate Heart by which she will blind Satan. When Satan is blinded then souls can turn to God. The Blessed Virgin pleads and begs that we share in her work by our prayers, sacrifices, family holy hours and fasting.
"The grace from the Flame of Love of My Mother's Immaculate Heart will be to your generation what Noah's Ark was to his generation", Our Lord said to Elizabeth Kindelmann.
In 2009 Cardinal Peter Erdo, Archbishop of Budapest, and President of the Council of Episcopal Conferences of Europe bestowed the imprimatur to the Diary of Elizabeth Kindelmann and fully approved the Flame of Love Movement for his Archdiocese where the Movement originated.
In 2012, Archbishop Charles Chaput, of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, bestowed the imprimatur to the English version of the Diary and it has been spreading ever since all across the United States. The Flame of Love Movement helps set up many Cenacles of Prayer and National Conferences spreading the message of the Flame of Love, helping people Consecrate themselves to Jesus through Mary and live holy lives of prayer, fasting, Holy Hours, night vigils, encouraging families to pray the Flame of Love Rosary together and saving many souls.
We see ourselves as a grassroots movement, trying to faithfully and prudently put into practice the desires of God and our Mother as described in the Diary. We pledge total loyalty and obedience to the Church. We especially invite all priests and religious to help us to guide this new Movement solely for God’s glory in His Church and according to His Will.
All are encouraged to pray the Flame of Love Rosary, adding the petition: "Spread the effect of grace of thy Flame of Love over all of humanity" on their own and with their families. It is a great grace that Mary wants to pour out on all of humanity. Just like at the first Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came upon the Apostles like tongues of fire, the Holy Spirit wants to set people on Fire with the Flame of Love and where the Holy Spirit and Mary are Jesus is born anew in everyone. It is also a signal grace just like Saul received when he had his conversion and became the great evangelist, St. Paul.
"Come Holy Spirit fill the hearts of Your faithful and enkindle in them the Fire of Your Love, send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created and You shall renew the face of the earth."
All are welcome to come join us where we pray the Flame of Love Rosary and read short passages from Elizabeth Kindleman's Diary and pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet. For more information contact Marie Rose Nguyen at holymary(at) or at 206-852-0500.
The Flame of Love - Website
The Flame of Love Prayers - Website
The Flame of Love & Divine Mercy - Video
The Flame of Love - Brochure